Scripts consist of following files and folders:
- Folder engine — in it there are different versions CMS
- Folder extra upload — in it there are files and which it is necessary to fill in folders in addition on FTP after pouring CMS
- Folder plugins — in it there are plug-ins
- Folder templates — in it there are templates
- File icon.png — icon CMS 16х16
- File settings.ini — a file with options of pouring of templates and plug-ins (File format is described more low)
- File ftp_rights.txt — a file with the description of and a folder what it is necessary for what files to establish the rights. A format of a file idle time: through tabulation the way to a folder/file and the digital identifier of the rights which are necessary for establishing registers
- File ftp_delete.txt — the list of files and folders which is necessary for removing after installation. Presence of a slash in the end of a way is an obligatory sign of a folder
- File macroses.txt — the list of macroses for scripts (File format is described more low)
- File cms instal.zcs — a file with a script of installation CMS (File format is described more low)
- File plugin-template instal.zcs — a file with a script of installation of plug-ins and templates (File format is described more low)
Format of settings.ini (on an example adjusted for WordPress):
[Plugins] upload_folder=wp-content/plugins/ upload_type=folder_content script_single_exec=1 [Templates] upload_folder=wp-content/themes/ preview_filename=screenshot.* upload_type=folder
- upload_folder (section [Plugins]) — a way to a folder for pouring of plug-ins
- upload_type (section [Plugins]) — pouring type. There are some types: folder — each plug-in is in a separate folder, it is necessary to fill in folders on FTP entirely; folder_content — each file is in a separate folder, but on the server it is necessary to fill in only folder contents; file — each plug-in is a separate file
- script_single_exec (section [Plugins]) — it is necessary to establish 1 if the script for activation of all plug-ins is started only once and 0 — if for each plug-in it is necessary to start separately a script
- upload_folder (section [Templates]) — a way to a folder for pouring of templates
- preview_filename (section [Templates]) — a file with a template miniature (if such is). It is possible to set expansion in a kind * then the program will take the first file with a suitable name
- upload_type (section [Templates]) — it is similar upload_type in section [Plugins]
Format of macroses.txt :
Macro Name can be any. It as a matter of fact that the program searches before script start to replace with value. Description is what to see the user in the list доп. Fields which it is necessary for it to fill at account creation. Value by default is a value which is established before the user will enter the.
URL=Blog adress|httр://
Format of cms instal.zcs
program CMSInstall; procedure BeforeFTPUpload (); begin //Function which is started before export on FTP (it is necessary for editing of files of a configuration before pouring) end; procedure AfterFTPUpload (); begin //Function which is started after pouring on FTP (is used for filling of fields the web of fitter CMS) end;
Scripts are written with use of all possibilities of scripts of autoposting. Procedures are started only in case of their presence in a file, i.e. they not is the obligatory.
Format of plugin-template instal.zcs
program AdditInastall; procedure LogIn (); begin //Function which is responsible for an input in админку a site after installation CMS and before installation of plug-ins/templates end; procedure InstallPlugin (name:string); begin //Function of installation (activation) of plug-ins. In quality parameter the plug-in name in the same kind as it looks in the list of plug-ins of Zebroid is transferred. If the mode "script_single_exec" is chosen - then the empty parameter is transferred end; procedure InstallTemplate (name:string); begin //Function of installation (activation) of templates. In quality parameter the template name in the same kind as it looks in the list of templates of Zebroid is transferred end;
Scripts are written with use of all possibilities of scripts of autoposting. Procedures are started only in case of their presence in a file, i.e. they not is the obligatory.